Examining College of Education Physical Education Teachers Knowledge and Skills in ICT Integration in Physical Education
Stephen Baidoo
Department of Science, Bia Lamplighter College of Education, P.O. Box 97, Sefwi-Debiso, Ghana.
Abraham Tetteh *
Department of Mathematics/ICT, Bia Lamplighter College of Education, P.O. Box 97, Sefwi-Debiso, Ghana.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This paper aimed at exploring and analyzing the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Physical Education (PE) tutors in the Ghanaian Colleges of Education with regards to the knowledge and application of ICT. The authors used an online survey to administer a questionnaire to 46 PE tutors in which the authors used a tool called the TPACK. To analyze collected data descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analyses were used. The study findings showed that PE tutors scored high overall on all the TPACK constructs with a focus being Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and Pedagogical Content Knowledge being the highest. Technological Knowledge and Technological Content Knowledge stood slightly lower scores. High correlations were established between most of the TPACK constructs, with Technological Pedagogical Knowledge being most predictive of the total TPACK. Interestingly, results showed that Pedagogical Content Knowledge was a significant and negative predictor of TPACK. From this study, information was gained on the current state of Ghanaian PE tutors’ ICT readiness which informs areas of potential focused CPD. The study adds to the is scarce literature on TPACK for PE tutors in the Ghanaian Colleges of Education and stress the need to adopt contextualized approaches to use of technology in areas such as Physical Education.
Keywords: TPACK, physical education, ICT integration, teacher education, Ghana