Editorial Team

Chief Editors

Dr. Shu-Lung Kuo

Associate Professor,

Engineering Consultant, Kelee Environmental Consultant Corporation, Taiwan


Department of Technology Management, The Open University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Email: singsuey@ms28.hinet.net

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Neha Munjal

Associate Professor,

Lovely Professional University, India

Email: nehamunjalphy@gmail.com  neha.18869@lpu.co.in

Profile Link: NA


Academic Editors

Dr. Muge K. Davran

Associate Professor,

Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, 

University of Cukurova, Turkey

Email: mkantar@cu.edu.tr

Profile Link: http://aves.cu.edu.tr/mkantar/


Prof. Longan Shang

School of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering,

Ningbo Institute of Technology,

Zhejiang University, PR China

Email: lashang@nit.net.cn

Profile Link: http://swzy.nit.net.cn/info/1135/1234.htm


Prof. Juan Manuel Vargas-Canales

Department of Social Studies of the Division of Social and Administrative Sciences,

University of Guanajuato, Mexico

Email: jmvargas@ciestaam.edu.mx, jm.vargas@ugto.mx

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Choon Wah Yuen

Senior Lecturer,

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Email: yuencw@um.edu.my

Profile Link: https://umexpert.um.edu.my/yuencw

Short Biosketch


Dr. Nadia Sabry El-Sayed El-Gohary

Associate Professor,

Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of  Pharmacy,

Mansoura University, Egypt

Email: dr.nadiaelgohary@yahoo.com, el_gohary@mans.edu.eg

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/H9uGrh

Short Biosketch


Mohd Fauzi Abu-Hussin 

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities,

Academy of Islamic Civilization,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Email:  mohdfauziabu@utm.my

Profile Link:  https://people.utm.my/mohdfauziabu/cv/


Dr. FAGBADEBO Omololu Michael

Department of Public Management, Law and Economics,

Durban University of Technology, South Africa

Email:  otomololu@yahoo.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Chunhua Zhou

College of Horticulture and Plant Protection,

Yangzhou University, China

Email: chzhou@yzu.edu.cn

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/eouduz


Prof. Maria Luisa Kennedy Rolon

Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas,

University of North Alabama, USA

Email: lukenrol@qui.una.py

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Dr. Hasan AYDOGAN

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey

Email: haydogan@selcuk.edu.tr

Profile Link: https://www.selcuk.edu.tr/Person/Detail/haydogan#


Prof. Rachid Masrour

Department  of Solid Physics, Faculty of Sciences,

Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

Email: rachidmasrour@hotmail.com, rachid.masrour@usmba.ac.ma  

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Shao-Yi Hsia

Associate Professor,

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,

Kao-Yuan University, Taiwan

Email: syhsia15@gmail.com, syhsia@cc.kyu.edu.tw

Profile link: NA


Dr. Jichao Sun 

Associated Professor,

China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China

Email: sunjc@cugb.edu.cn, jichao@email.com

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Neslihan Karavin

Assistant Professor,

Department of Biology,

Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Amasya University, Turkey

Email: nnecli@gmail.com, neslihan.karavin@amasya.edu.tr

Profile Link: https://portal.amasya.edu.tr/neslihan.karavin/Idari-Gorevler


Dr. Him Lal Shrestha

Associate Professor,

Coordinator - UNIGIS Programme,

Kathmandu Forestry College, Koteshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal

Email: hlshrestha@gmail.com

Profile Link: https://www.kafcol.edu.np/him-lal-shrestha


Dr. Abhinandan Surgonda Patil

Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute,

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,

Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Email: agrilstar25@gmail.com, patil@volcani.agri.gov.il

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Azizur Rahman


Centre for Climate Change Research,

On Ramp at University of Toronto Entrepreneurship,

Toronto, Canada

Email: mazizur.rahman@utoronto.ca, aziz@climatechangeresearch.ca

Profile Link: NA 


Dr. Sobia Chohan

Assistant Professor,

Department of Plant Pathology,

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

Email: sobia_mustafa2006@hotmail.com, sobiachohan@bzu.edu.pk

Profile Link: https://www.bzu.edu.pk/v2_faculty.php?id=1007


Dr. Folk Jee Yoong


SEGi University, Malaysia

Email: yoong61@gmail.com, folkjy@hotmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Bachir Achour

Research Laboratory in Subterranean and Surface Hydraulics (LARHYSS),

University of Biskra, Algeria

Email: bachir.achour@larhyss.net

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Asma Hanif

Assistant Professor,

Department of botany,

University of Karachi, Pakistan

Email: asma.hanif@uok.edu.pk, asmahanif4@gmail.com  

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Gokhan Aydin

Associate Professor,

Suleyman Demirel University,

Atabey Vocational School, Turkey

Email: gokhanaydin@sdu.edu.tr, gokhanaydin72@hotmail.com

Profile Link: https://isparta.edu.tr/personel/01436/doc-dr-gokhan-aydin


Dr. Ibrahim Yerima


Department of Biological Sciences,

University of Maiduguri P.M.B. 1069, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

Email: ibrahimyerima32@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Weimin Gao

Center for Personalized Diagnostics,

Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

Email: weimin.gao.2@asu.edu

Profile Link: https://biodesign.asu.edu/people/weimin-gao

Dr. Nese Yilmaz

Associate Professor,

Department of Fresh Water Resources And Management,

Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, Istanbul University, Turkey  

Email: nyilmaz@istanbul.edu.tr, neseyilmaz27@hotmail.com     

Profile link: https://avesis.istanbul.edu.tr/nyilmaz


Dr. Muhammad Mujtaba Shaikh

Associate Professor,

Department of Basic Sciences and Related Studies,

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan

Email: mujtaba.shaikh@faculty.muet.edu.pk

Profile Links: NA


Dr. Navneet Kaur

Department of Applied Sciences (Chemistry),

PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh 160012, India

Email:  navneetpuchem88@gmail.com

Profile link: NA    


Dr.  Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi

Faculty of Management and Economics,

Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Iran

Email:  ehsaneh_nameghi@yahoo.com, Nejadmohammad@srbiau.ac.ir

Profile link: NA


Dr. Ahmed Abdel Rahman Abdel Aziz

Associated Professor,

Department of Otorhinolaryngology,

El Minya University Hospitals, Egypt

Email : Ahmed.abdelaziz@mu.edu.eg, ahmed_ent77@yahoo.com  

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Nadia Abdulkarim Salih

Assistant professor,

Department of Basic sciences,

College Of Veterinary Medicine,

University Of Sulaimani, Iraq

Email: nadiasalih9@gmail.com, nadia.salih@univsul.edu.iq

Profile Link: NA


Dr. S. M. Kadri

Head Disease Control,

(Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases)

Assistant Director,

Directorate of Health Services (DHS) Kashmir, India 

Email: kadrism@gmail.com, kadrism@outlook.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Aurora Martínez Romero

Clinical Biochemistry, 

Juarez University,  Durango, Mexico

Email: quimicaaurora@hotmail.com, auroramtzr@gmail.com


Profile Link: NA


Dr. Pinki Chakraborty

Assistant Professor,

Department of Chemistry,

Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India       

Email: pinki.chakraborty@galgotiasuniversity.edu.in      

Profile Link: NA


Prof. G. Anusha


Department of Civil Engineering,

KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India

Emails : anushagcivil@gmail.com,  anusha.g@kpriet.ac.in

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Archana L. Mahakalkar

Assistant Professor,

Department of forensic Biology,                       

Govt. Forensic science Institute, India

E-mails: archanasap79@gmail.com, archanamahakalkar@ifscnagpur.in

Orchid ID- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0943-0683


Dr. Roxana Plesa

Senior Lecturer,

Department of Social Science,

University of Petrosani, Romania

Email: rpmita@yahoo.com

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Dennis Gamad Caballes

School of Teacher Education,

Graduate Program School of Teacher Education (Formerly School of Advanced Studies),

The National Teachers College, Philippines

Email: sirdensity@yahoo.com, dg.caballes@ntc.edu.ph, dennis.caballes@benilde.edu.ph      

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1718-5203  

Publon: https://publons.com/wos-op/researcher/4006872/dennis-gamad-caballes/


Dr. Der-Jang Chi

Department of Accounting,

Chinese Culture University, Taiwan

Email: qq1011108@gmail.com   

Profile link: NA


Dr. Veronica Mîndrescu

Associate Professor,

Departmentof Motor Performance,

Faculty of Physical Education and Mountain Sports,

Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Email: mindrescu.veronica@unitbv.ro   

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Garziad Mouad

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,

Faculty of Science and Technology,

Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

Email: mouad.garziad@usmba.ac.ma, garziad.moad@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Note: We are thankful to all editors for their sincere help and support to develop this journal. All editors confirmed their joining in the board by email. Names of the remaining editors (if any) will be published soon.