Unveiling the Essence of ‘Doctorateness’ in Ph.D. Mentorship: Navigating the Humanity amidst Academic Pursuits in Academia

Violet Nabwire *

Department of Learning Design and Technology, School of Education, Open University of Kenya, Konza Technopolish, Kenya.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The paper explores the tension between humanizing and dehumanizing aspects of doctoral education ("doctorateness") in Ph.D. mentorship programs. It calls for a shift towards a more humane approach that prioritizes integrity, ethics, and the well-rounded development of doctoral candidates. Universities traditionally aim to bridge knowledge gaps and foster ethical research, but a failure to do so can lead to a dehumanized doctoral experience. Scholars emphasize the need for universities to cultivate humane environments that nurture innovative solutions through quality doctoral mentorship. This approach equips graduates with the technical and emotional intelligence needed to tackle global challenges. The true essence of "doctorateness" lies in a humanized process that fosters research, innovation, and capacity building. Quality doctoral graduates embody humanizing attributes and go beyond mere technical proficiency process. However, the current focus on quantity often results in graduates lacking the skills and humanity sought by employers. Universities must address these gaps by developing programs that train postgraduates in a humane environment. The root cause of graduate unemployment lies not in the number of graduates, but in the lack of quality, integrity, and humanizing elements embedded in doctorateness programs. An exploration of "doctorateness" within supervision processes highlights deficiencies in program approval, supervisor allocation, and the lack of robust monitoring mechanisms. The current landscape falls short of ideals that prioritize a humane and transformative doctoral experience. The paper proposes steps to cultivate a more humane doctoral mentorship environment: Integrate humanizing aspects into doctoral program approval, prioritize supervisor consultation for manageable workloads, provide comprehensive training for new supervisors, Implement ongoing monitoring and evaluation throughout the doctoral journey. By adopting these recommendations, universities can foster a doctoral mentorship environment that balances academic rigor with the holistic development of scholars, navigating the humanity inherent in academia.

Keywords: Quality doctorateness, malpractice, misconducts, integrity, ethics, humanizing, dehumanizing, doctorateness

How to Cite

Nabwire, Violet. 2024. “Unveiling the Essence of ‘Doctorateness’ in Ph.D. Mentorship: Navigating the Humanity Amidst Academic Pursuits in Academia”. Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports 18 (5):170-77. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajarr/2024/v18i5645.